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English Wine vs British Wine


We are in the midst of  English Wine Week which is often referred to as “British” Wine Week. So we thought now would be an excellent time to clarify the difference between English wine and British wine.

British wine is, in fact, far from British it is made from imported grape juice which has usually been dehydrated (to reduce transport costs) and then rehydrated here in the UK using good old tap water and then fermented into wine. The result therefore is similar to what can be achieved by a competent home wine-maker.  So British wine can actually taste like a wine made in Australia, South America, California or Africa. Not very nice or romantic!

English (or Welsh wine for that matter) is made from grapes lovingly grown in our own country and carefully fermented into wine with great care taken thought the process. English and Welsh wines have a great variety of character.

So next time you are in a supermarket you may notice that British wines are much cheaper then English. But if you want to try a true English wine, check the label and spend those few extra pounds.



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